Sister Qing is my neighbour. A year ago she bought from me a funeral service package (NV Supreme), she gave a 20% down payment and instalment for 12 months. She just finished the instalment in March,2011. Sister Qing called me up one morning to inform that her beloved husband has passed on at Subang Jaya Medical Center. Our service team arrive in an hour to claim the remains back to Nirvana Memorial Center to do embalming, clean body, wearing shroud and encoffin. The Late Mr. Koo's funeral wake service was carried at Nirvana Memorial Center 2nd floor Violet Suite for two consecutive nights. Sister Qing and her son was very sad and grieved for The Late Mr Koo departure. I tried to comfort and assured her.
The late Mr. Koo's remains was cremated at Nirvana Shah Alam crematorium and his ash urn was placed and rest in peace at Chinese Dynasty Columbarium, Nirvana Memorial Park, Semenyih. Sister Qing and her family is very satisfied with our service. She was very grateful that our team Agency198 give her reassurance in arrangement of her beloved husband funeral. Finally, Sister Qing bought from me two funeral service packages, one (NV Golden) for herself and another one NV Honour for her mother. She told me that pre-planning, will make her "total peace of mind". I sincerely hope that she can recover soon for the departure of her beloved husband.
We sincerely pray for the late Mr Koo rest in the eternal peace.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Buddhist Funeral Service 佛教殡葬服务
林门朱宝玲女士因病离世,她的女儿3年前参加了我们Agency198所举办的‘心无牵挂,圆满规划’的餐宴并向我买了富贵吉祥的殡葬服务套装,朱女士的遗体从KL Hospital领出放在富贵纪念馆,经过白衣天使帮她洁身之后人殓并放在富贵纪念馆1楼15号房进行3天2夜的佛教殡葬仪式,她的家人都很伤心,很舍不得她的离去。朱女士的遗体是在富贵沙亚南的火化场火化并安葬在富贵士毛月凉亭骨灰位。
Buddhist Funeral Service Package
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Buddhist Funeral Service 佛教殡葬服务
今天接到陈淑子老师的来电叫我帮她的先生姚利权办理后事,姚先生是在Kota Kamuning工作的时候心脏病发而离世。淑子老师一时间很难接受她先生的突然离去,我尽量安慰她和开导她。处於淑子老师的丈夫是属意外死亡,所以被送去巴生医院。我在隔天早上6点就陪伴淑子老师去巴生医院认领她丈夫的遗体,并放在富贵纪念馆一楼16号房进行3天2夜的佛教葬礼仪式。淑子老师告诉我她的先生在生的时候给了她一个温馨的家,现在她的先生往生了,她也要给她的先生物色一个安息的乐园。我就推荐我们的富贵唐城紫竹林给她,那是一个安详又平静的墓园。姚先生的骨灰被按葬在富贵唐城紫竹林。淑子老师和她的家人以及亲戚都对我们Agency198的服务感到满意。
Buddhist Funeral Service Package
Monday, May 10, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Zone NVG 富贵山莊《世外桃源》士毛月
Zone NVG
Natural Ambience, Auspicious, Blessings
Next to the renowned Nirvana Memorial Park, Semenyih, Nirvana Memorial Garden is a newly developed memorial park totaling 209 acres, which has now launched a zone that won numerous compliments of its excellent Fengshui.
Zone NVG at Nirvana Memorial Garden, is a piece of burial land of choice that gathers wind and energy that faces East.
The Zone is directly facing an auspicious pond (from Fengshui point of view that contains water which carries the meaning of gathering wealth) an felicitous mountain elements which bring about great fortune and prosperity, passing down prosperity and posterity.
The pavillion with a calm setting environment provides a place for visitors to rest and gather together. With the compassionate Buddha Statue guarding over, it enlightens and assures a place of eternity life. The elegant-looking walkway, which is broad in width, eases visitors during their visits and prayers. The indisputable tranquility would assure customers a relax and comfortable visit where one will only find at Nirvana Memorial Garden.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
- 证书与准证
- 一般上,当遇上自然死亡的案例时,许多医院及私立医药中心都会发出相关的证书。如果是非自然死亡案例,通常还会先进行解剖检验工作,然后才由警察部门发出死亡证书。如果是在家死亡,我们会坚持获得下葬令或死亡证书。
- 白衣天使:维护女性尊严,给女性至高无上的尊重
- 天妒红颜、伊人早逝或是令人无奈的阴阳相隔,固然教人唏嘘不已,但是最教为人夫者或父母、儿女内心不安的,却是必须将至爱赤裸裸的遗体,交由男性防腐师与化妆师去处理。
- 如今,作为殡葬行业先驱的富贵集团,率先设立了"白衣天使"服务。提供清一色的专业女防腐师和化妆师,全程处理女性遗体的防腐、洁身、化妆和殓服,令女性遗体得到应有的尊重,维护女性最后的尊严。
当运送遗体回国时,我们将协助处理所需的文件、与海关联系,以及卫生部门清理工作。富贵集团与大使馆、最高专员署,以及国际援助公司(International Emergency Assistance Companies)有很好的联系。同时,我们也在西马与东马提供运送遗体的交通服务。
追思礼堂- 富贵纪念馆一楼和二楼共建有11个现代化的豪华追思礼堂。这些冷气追思礼堂设备齐全、先进,拥有舒适座位、多用途庄严祭坛、附属休息室以及先进的影音器材。当您踏出追思礼堂后,将会走在金光璀璨、装潢出位的走廊,它的"高尚雅座"气氛雅致,设有网际网络便利,也提供客户品茗、听音乐与休息的贵宾雅座。对于吸烟的客户,我们另设了一间吸烟室。
Funeral Services 我们的服务
A Dignified Farewell 莊严高尚
In the world of the mortals, life is but a busy journey. It is easier to part than meets one another. At the difficult moment of the last parting between the alive and the deceased, a peaceful, serene and personalized parlour will be just ideal to reminisce the last gathering, with love, affection, infatuation, sorrow and pain at heart.
A mortal life of filth is wearying. A secular environment makes it even more difficult for one to adjust. He is now tired, at rest, and has finally come to a happy termination. Let the fragrances of flowers accompany him all the way. Let him rest in tranquility, relaxation and bliss.
Funeral Services 我们的服务
Comprehensive Services 週全服务
Everyone will eventually walk out at the end of one's life journey. He is now heading for the direction of another world, leaving you in unbearable sorrow and pain... Our service team will take every care to accompany you in every step, to help shield you from wind and rain in the last farewell journey.
He left in silence. How do you tell him all the heart-to heart talks, your fond memory of him, or even sentimental resentment on him? The Emcee will speak on your behalf, to convey your caring heart, your emotion deep down and your condolence over his passing away.
Amidst chanting prayers, he is lost on the way to netherland. He may hear the chanting Buddist mantra and music, guiding him to the Land of eternal Bliss in the West.
Everyone will eventually walk out at the end of one's life journey. He is now heading for the direction of another world, leaving you in unbearable sorrow and pain... Our service team will take every care to accompany you in every step, to help shield you from wind and rain in the last farewell journey.
He left in silence. How do you tell him all the heart-to heart talks, your fond memory of him, or even sentimental resentment on him? The Emcee will speak on your behalf, to convey your caring heart, your emotion deep down and your condolence over his passing away.
Amidst chanting prayers, he is lost on the way to netherland. He may hear the chanting Buddist mantra and music, guiding him to the Land of eternal Bliss in the West.
Funeral Services 我们的服务
WE CARE。。。 细心关怀
You know there is no way to change the fact that he's gone. The sorrow at heart, and tears in the eyes will not reverse his fate. So let our Funeral Director acts as your eyes, your ears, your legs and hands, and even your heart to plan and arrange for a final farewell ceremony, on your behalf.
Funeral Services 我们的服务
Monday, May 3, 2010
As we see the plants in the courtyard flower and wither, it tell us one fact, as time goes by, people meet and part, as well as encounter all kinds of changes in life. Dealth is nothing but someone arriving at the final destination of life, eventually walking out at the end of life. Dealth is not scary, nor is sorrowful. The only thing is, when dealth does arrive, will on leave behind a touching moment. NV Care Sdn Bhd is always committed in one belief :
Only Love is Forever!
And only with love, can we offer our care and concern from the inner most of our heart.
When will think what the customer think about;
be anxious on what the customer are anxious,
do what the customer wish;
and please what the customers are happy with.
Funeral Services 我们的服务
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