Friday, December 31, 2010

REVIEW YEAR 2010 回顾2010年的事故点滴








Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2011 圣诞快乐&新年快乐2011

Wishing everyone Merry Christmas! Happy New Year 2011!

Monday, December 13, 2010



Ray Soo于三天前联络我,他的父亲於2003年去世,他及家人把父亲的骨灰灵位安奉在八打灵归原基督教骨灰塔,基于他的兄弟姐妹都在国外,而他父亲临终时曾说过要海葬,他为了要完成父亲的遗愿,他要求我帮他租一艘船,将父亲的骨灰撒向大海。

我们於早上九点到达,在NV CARE Bryant的协助下,领取Ray父亲苏祥杰先人的骨灰,就启程前往巴生港口,整个过程大概2个小时完成。

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Saturday, December 4, 2010

What is pre-need tomb? 何谓生基风水?



In the old days, Taoists utilized "sheng ji tactical deployment" to change predestined fate and fortune - they reversed hapless lot into prosperous fate by blending the Eight Characters related to one's date of birth and the geographical magnetic force with one's meritorious deeds. The belief in sheng ji to change destiny dates back to thousands of years ago when ancient Chinese emperors erected pre-need tombs or mausoleum to ensure prosperity for the nation and people upon accession to the thrones. Hence, "sheng ji" basically means pre-need tomb.

The customs live on today and Chinese in Malaysia are fond of making use of the principle of sheng ji to help evoke blessings of achievements, longevity and prosperity upon themselves and the families. The whole idea is by erecting pre-need tomb, one's bad destiny is reversed and be turned into a prosperous one.


超度法会 - 感恩缅怀与慎终追远的传统节目


Remains Relocation 拾金



拾金文化 敬祖孝亲


  1. 风水不佳,例如:荫尸地,泡水地,煞地,蛇蚁入穴等(请征询专业风水师的意见)
  2. 坟墓老旧残破,年久失修,应拾金重新造葬或迁葬
  3. 祖先各葬东南西北,不方便祭拜或维护,应考虑把葬在不同地点之祖先拾金后,集中葬在同一地点以便子孙永祀
  1. 由专业风水命理师预先选好吉日破土
  2. 家属,风水师及捡骨师(启攒师)同时抵达现场
  3. 由风水师带领主持祭拜仪式及破土科仪
  4. 由捡骨师破土开棺捡骨,洗骨净骨及开棺点眼入瓮或小棺木
  5. 由风水师主持破碑仪式
  6. 把金斗瓮或小棺木迁葬至新的风水地,重新造坟立碑将骨灰安奉在骨灰塔内以便子孙永祀

Remains Relocation - A Befitting Act of Filial Piety
Qing Ming remains a much revered event to pay homage to the ancestors and a gathering for family members to enhance family ties. Not only do they pay homage, but also to pay attention to the condition of the tomb to ensure that it is not in a deplorable conditio.

Remains Relocation is an act of relocating the remains of ancestors to a new burial land with better environment or excellent and/or with excellent fengshui. It is also known as "bone collecting" or "bone cleaning". The remains relocation is not a simple procedure. It has to be conducted by an experienced fengshui master or a relocation master. The procedure varies accordingly to the deceased's religion, cultural practice based on his/her Chinese origins. According to the Chinese, improper relocation could result in bad luck befalling on its descendants.

Why should we relocate remains:
  1. Bad fengshui (Please seek advice from qualified fengshui master)
  2. Environment condition due to occasional flooding, the presence of pests etc.
  3. Relocate for the convenience of paying homage.
Procedure for relocation:
  1. A proper date fixed by fengshui master.
  2. Presence of family members, fengshui master and relocation master at the tomb.
  3. Worship ritual and exhumation of the remains of the departed one.
  4. Collecting and cleaning of the remains to place into small wood coffin or urn.
  5. Ritual of tomb stone breaking.
  6. Relocate the remains to new burial ground and to erect a new tomb stone or placement of remains to an urn columbarium.