Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Pre-need Tomb 生基风水

It comes with numerous blessings for all

From the ancient times, the chinese has been utilising the concept of "pre-need tomb"
to change their pre-destined fare and fortune.

What is Pre-need Tomb?

Pre-need tomb literally means "the foundation of life" where people erect their tombs in advance while still living. Pre-need tomb reverse hapless lot into a prosperous fate by blendingthe energy of 5 elements and characters related to one's date of birth and the geographical magnetic force with one's meritorious deeds. In Chinese, pre-need tomb is also called "Sheng Ji".

Benefits of Pre-need tomb Erection

The custom live on until today and the Chinese population in Malaysia is fond of making use of the principle of "Sheng Ji" to help evoke blessings of achievements, longevity and prosperity upon themselves and the families. The whole idea is that by erecting pre-need tomb, one's bad destiny is reverse and turn into a prosperous one.

> Abundant blessings to health and longevity
> Bring luck and fortune to career and family
> Wealth and prosperity to next generations

Who needs Pre-need Tomb?

1.  People who are by illness, with risk of death need pre-need tomb to regain health.

2.  People who are tormented by bad luck, accident and disaster require pre-need tomb to offset         these harassments.

3.  People who are looking for true love and marriage match require pre-need tomb to overcome the situation,

4.  Those who always encounter inconsistencies and bumby pathways will be relievedby pre-need tomb which boosts magnetic energy.

5.  Those pestered with fluctuating fortune and always get hindered by obstacles in their undertakings will have their luck reversed by pre-need tomb.

6.  Those with slow business and on the verge of winding up will get a boost and blessings.

7.  Those with emotional entanglements relating to love or squabble will get over the problems.

The Positive Effects of Pre-need tomb

Energy of 5 elements, Qi and characters related to one's date of birth can bring good effects within half to one year.

1.  Those with illness will appear healthier.

2.  Love and joy will come to life, with laughter and happiness, and even reunion from a companion of families,

3.  Career improvement, abundant blessings, wealth and prosperity and a smooth journey in life with all your dreams coming true.










生基改运  —  感受天地之灵气,不断加持本身,以改命运。

趋吉避凶  —  身体被百病纠缠者,透过生基,可以得到解脱。

财富倍增  —  透过生基改造人生,累积财富。

快速改运  —  若一生歹运缠身,未能出头者,亦可透过生基改造命运。



1。  重病、长病者 : 病痛多为命理五行中忌神、刑、害所显现,运用生基的原理,让胎元受气,转动生命的能量,达到无病而愈的目的。

2。  有血光天狗之災者 : 命格中有四柱与大运天剋地冲,震荡摇撼命寿时,多为血光天狗之災,用生基消災法,可躲劫避难。

3。  无姻缘或姻缘乖违者  :  或是晚婚、姻缘不易,桃花汎滥等,皆可运用生基姻缘缘合法催旺姻缘。

4。  运势多阻碍者 : 一生运势上下不定,做任何事情都觉得阻碍重重,运用生基旺运法可明显改善运势阻隔的现象。

5。  多受灵界干扰者 : 命局阴寒气弱、运势低弱、无旺神扶助、又多有亡神、大耗凶星照临,自然多招惹灵界干扰,运用生基旺运法,催命宫喜神当旺自可化解。

6。  求贵人相助者:许多人一生犯小人災、连续惹官非讼事,这都是因为命格中犯五鬼及官符显现,如运用生基贵人法,催动天乙贵人来协助,自然逢凶化吉。

7。  求事业顺利者 :许多人都想自创事业,但却许多因素而导致生意经营不尽理想,甚至失败收场,如运用生基我旺运法,催动命格中的金匱、将星,必能一帆风顺,公司一心团结。



1。   病重者,将可望脸色转红,病情全消;精神爽朗开怀。

2。   求姻缘者,将发现自己脸色变好看,人缘变好,追求者日增;化配偶桃花者,将发现配偶突然回心转意。

3。   无论是求改运增运、子嗣、旺财、贵人、官运及事业者,都能明显感觉精神灵敏起来,而所求之事,皆能一一实现。

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2013 圣诞快乐 & 新年快乐