Wednesday, December 20, 2017

MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018 圣诞快乐 & 2018 新年快乐



Sunday, December 10, 2017


早晨7点, 电话铃响,史太太来电说她丈夫在马大医院因病逝世。她叫我帮忙办理她丈夫的后事。我於7点半抵达医院。我让史太太了解富贵的服务配套,最后她决定购买一份富贵永康殡仪服务配套。即用价钱是RM17,888.00。史太太告诉我说她的先生交代了他的后事要一切从简,并把他的骨灰撒大海。



Sunday, April 2, 2017


人生一世 夢寐以求之


紫氣東來, 輝映出一如詩境般的壯麗風采。
勝景天成的富貴山莊( 巴生),
剛柔的交匯中, 化作一幅活龍活現的靈動景象,
氣概萬千、 可謂是人生

The Immortalized Splendours
A Dream Fulfilled

The sunrise conjures up an image of poetic beauty. So glorious and spirited. 
Nirvana Memorial Park (Klang)
is further invigorated by heaven's made good Chi,
which is in perfect harmony with the surrounding verdant rolling hills and waterways.
Like a vigorous dragon guarding its territory, 
Nirvana Memorial Park (Klang) commands a superb Feng Shui to raise the spirit of the Pure Land.

风水之优 | 金狮探水 霸气延绵万代兴





Superb Feng Shui to usher in prosperity for posterity

The 220-acre Nirvana Memorial Park (Klang) distinguishes itself from others with the presence of red and yellow soils, two auspicious colours from the perspective of Feng Shui. Red and yellow symbolize prosperity in Feng Shui’s definition.

From Feng Shui’s perspective, a land filled with the vibrant Chi means a world full of life. Making it more distinctive, it is tranquil and picturesque at the same time, hence befitting an ideal final resting place. Nirvana Memorial Park (Klang) presents a seamless natural setup that activates the power of life of all beings. Energized by the mountains and waterways surrounding it, Nirvana Memorial Park (Klang) is an eternal resting place that lives up to the spirit of ‘rest in peace’ while fostering prosperity for posterity.

Nirvana Memorial Park (Klang) is surrounded by verdant rolling hills with waterways in the front, hence befitting a natural Feng Shui setup that ushers in prosperity for posterity. Backed by the mountains at the back and guarded by a dragon and a tiger on each side, this memorial park is blessed with an ideal Feng Shui setting.

The overall Feng Shui layout of Nirvana Memorial Park (Klang) is characterized by the auspicious East, West, Northeast and Southeast directions predominantly to accommodate different requirements based on different passing hours and dates. This bodes well for longevity and prosperity for posterity.
For added peace of mind, Nirvana Asia Group is maintained under a Permanent Management Trust perpetually. It only requires a one-off maintenance fee upon the purchase of any packages. The interest returns that we generate through the Permanent Management Trust will be used for the maintenance of the roads, landscaping and the 24-hour security service.

风景之美 | 万千佛石窟 佛光普照之归根乐土

富貴山莊(巴生)画境般的景观世界, 有一处引人注目的佛石窟, 集中展示佛的庄严之美, 漫步石窟,一尊尊的佛造像如同画卷一样延开在眼前。 有的面容庄严, 有则眼含笑意, 千姿百态, 是一个可以让人们观佛的艺术宝地。

Breathtaking, Tranquil, Dreamy

Pure Land Made in Heaven

Nirvana Memorial Park (Klang) makes a distinction with the Buddhas Cave that exudes the dignity and beauty of Buddha。
As you step foot in it, you are greeted with many Buddha statues of different composures. It is a showcase of the top notch Buddhist art that marvels your eyes.
Every visit to the Buddhas Cave makes you feel good with a pleasant spiritual attachment, holding your loved ones in fond remembrance in a perfect setting that brilliantly combines sentimental and artistic beauty.

四面觀音 千手護持千眼照風

慈悲的四面觀音安立在三聖殿正前方。 聖像的下方泉湧不断,象徵源源不絕的甘露智慧與財富。
每一面觀音各自有象徵:手把淨瓶觀音, 象徵福音; 手持佛珠觀音, 象微慈悲; 手握蓮花觀音, 象徵和平; 至於手托经篋觀音, 則象徵智慧。

Four-faced Guanyin Statue for Endless Blessing

The merciful Four-faced Guanyin statue stands majestically in the front portion of Three-deity Temple. Underneath the statue of the Goddess of Mercy is a flowing waterway that carries endless wisdom and wealth.
Every Guanyin statue represents a different significance. A Guanyin with a vase means endless blessing. The one holding Buddha beads represents mercy while a Guanyin with a lotus symbolizes peace. And the one with a mantra scroll implies wisdom.



大放光明的舍利佛塔, 屹立在富貴山莊( 巴生) 的正中、 照護著一切眾生、 震懾十方。
佛經中記載、 凡舍利佛塔所在之地、 將可聚集諸佛的守護加持,得祥瑞之氣令土地富饒, 利益所有眾生。


A Sacred Place with Added Blessing

An awe-inspiring stupa is erected in the middle of Nirvana Memorial Park (Klang) to protect all the sentient beings
In Buddhism,  a Buddhist stupa serves as a marker tot a sacred space. It gathers all the divine blessings to add auspiciousness to its surroundings to lift the spirits of all sentient beings


落葉歸根 延續中華文化之傳統

落葉,會歸根。 在華人傳統思想中,不論人在哪裡,不論人居何处,家总是最溫暖的避風港。無論我們走得多远,無論身在何方大陸。 遊子之心總期盼著倦鳥歸巢,盼望尋覓一個终身安定的歸宿, 等待與家人期的日子。
家族陵園延續著中華民族,“團圓”的文化傳統,除了有落葉歸根的想法之外, 也為家族後裔提供一個永久的追思空間,寄託後代子孫對往生親人的無盡思念。

Royal Family Burial Plot

A place called HOME

Falling leaves will always stick close to the roots of the tree. In Chinese traditional thought, a place called home prevails against anything. Regardless of where you are, you still find the comfort and warmth of home that remind you your roots, from the depths of your heart. A home is the best shelter,  spiritually. No matter how far you go and wherever you are, there is always a time, you and your family,  settle down in a place truly called home.
This is where family memorial comes into picture. The thought of "back-to-the-roots" takes a strong stand. It s designed to mark the journey home for the departed white infusing the future generation with pleasant recollections of their departed loved ones.

家族墓園 | 尊貴不朽 一脈相承的榮耀

每一座家族墓築起族脈的榮耀, 將一個家族的光輝歷史丶生平簡介、 纪念文章及各個祖輩的歷史資料進行大匯總, 連系著世代的情感, 宛如自家瑰麗的宅院, 親人可聚此話家常,坐看雲淡風輕, 品茗思念美景下。
從景觀布局、 墓碑的選擇, 再到文字的詮釋等等, 皆可用藝術之情把對長眠者的情感集結,傾註到墓園設計裏, 亦可依據往生者的人生事跡, 或喜好與特色, 隨心塑造極具個人風格的個性化墓園; 無疑一磚一瓦意境深遠。

Super Family Burial Plot

All The Glory with Noble Eternity

This family memorial immortalizes the history of your family, commemorative remarks and any other remarkable accounts of your loved ones. Every 'Family Plot'  immortalizes a showcase of different generations likened to a personal family courtyard that champions togetherness as you bask in the beauty of the memorial park.
Nirvana Memorial Park (Klang)  is not only the final resting place that lives up to the spirit of the land of happiness,  it also serves as a spiritual sanctuary for posterity to hold their departed loved ones in fond memories. Gone are the days when people tend to associate a cemetery with the stereotype of a sombre setting that implies only a solemn and mournful recollection. The 'Family Plot'  at Nirvana Memorial Park make a distinction by offering personalized options to suit your desires to create a unique "palace of art"  for your loved ones.

家族福地 | 傳世珍藏 銘刻举世非凡之記憶

风格迥異的個性化墓型, 为私人定制、 可将生命雋美的詩篇, 一幀幀製作成永恒的設計,依先人的喜好,個性與特色、 用藝术完美地典蔵先人的生命故事, 化作為稀世珍品,成為在人間凈土留下的重彩一笔,屬於往生者獨一無二的“藝術宮殿”。
后人可在此瞻仰先輩一生的榮耀, 先人由此尊享榮光, 美名得以馨香萬代、 歷久彌新。

Family Burial Plot - Fine craftsmanship alongside eminent glory

Every personalized design connotes a different story worth being immortalized. It is likened to a beautiful poem bearing an eternal magnificence. Here, you are greeted with fond memories revolving around the hobbies, personalities and characteristics of your loved ones. Through the beauty of art, the cherished glory of your loved ones comes alive instantly in this highly treasured Pure Land.
Bask in the glory of your ancestors and be proud of their achievements for their immortality just lives on.

雙/ 單穴福地

一景一墓 凝練天人和諧

井然有序的富貴山莊( 巴生),美观地安顿每一个福澤穴地,和顺地铺陈出入走道,格局精心,故人得以沐浴安逸之中、 藉以福子孫,顺及家运,兴及人丁。
並且,富賁山莊( 巴生)擁有完善" 墓园" 管理系統。 先進的各項設施,广阔柏油路的无数泊車位,方便主家进行拜祭活动。

Double &  Single Burial Plot

Man and Nature in Perfect Harmony

Nirvana Memorial park (Klang) itself in a very orderly manner with landscaping inspired by its natural surroundings. Picturesque and tranquil,  it soothes the soul and warms the heart. For the departed,  it is simply an idyllic final resting place to rest in peace. For the living,  it fosters prosperity generation after generation.
For added peace of mind and convenience, the memorial park is diligently managed through a systematic and comprehensive maintenance support with modern facilities,  wide paved roads and ample parking spaces.
It also comes with a variety of burial plot choices,  which include royal family, super family, family,  double and single plots, with different tomb designs catering to the needs of the Buddhists, Taoists,  Christians and others.

基督徒墓園 | 天國意境 一座專屬的安息樂園

以天國的意境作為設計, 讓基督徒可以永息在主的聖恩之下, 基督徒墓園區, 規劃井然, 福地及骨灰閣選擇多樣化, 包括家族福地, 雙穴福地, 而客戶也可自行選擇墓碑設計, 加上視野寬闊, 清幽寧靜, 景色怡人, 為基督徒永恆追思的安息福地。

Christian Memorial Park
Heavens Made Eternal Resting Place

Inspired by the fantasy of 'Kingdom of Heaven',  the Christian Memorial Park is a dignified yet graceful eternal resting place for Christians, it is laid out in a very orderly manner consisting of varied burial plots and a columbarium. The good news is that customers are given the option to choose their preferred headstone designs. The memorial park is harmonised with pleasant scenery in a tranquil environment, hence befitting an ideal final resting place for the Christians.



前來富貴山莊( 巴生) 感恩憶祖, 可親近大自然,一覽蔥蔥郁郁的風別景、 還可留步古樸典雅的三聖殿、 祈福平安。
建築設計的美崙美奂, 讓三聖殿看起來格外雄偉壯觀, 並完美的煥發出佛教建築古今相融的嶄新氣息, 給人一股濃郁的祥和之感。

The Three-  saints with Eternal Blessings

The three-saint temple is where you comfort your heart with spiritual tranquility as you hold your loved ones in remembrance in  an environment that bring you closer to the nature with a breathtaking scenery.
It is a majestic structure that fascinates you with marvelous design that perfectly blends in ancient and modern architectural vibes for a strong sense of peace, auspiciousness and tranquility.

三聖殿 | 萬佛壇 眷顧大千世界

三聖殿的中央是金碧輝煌的萬佛壇, 擡頭一望、 為之驚艷。 天花板上的藻井、 那-一佛接一佛的精刻佛雕, 仿若萬佛" 頂" 立從天而降,周邊燈光圈圈點點、 如祥龍在繞、 默默守護著大千世界。

Three-Saints Temple with Divine Blessings

Standing majestically in the middle of the Three-saint Temple is a column filled with countless Buddha statues. The ceiling is crafted with many exquisite Buddha motifs to usher in more divine blessings while the harmonious lighting connotes the presence of an auspicious dragon to guarding over its surroundings.

骨灰殿 | 水鄉前的顯貴之居 續寫生前榮光

一座安放思念的樓宇, 景致唯美的骨灰殿堂前, 迷人的水鄉風光在給予故人精心的祝福。
藍天白雲照映, 骨灰殿堂前水波蕩漾, 殿堂的外牆上可見身份與地位象徵的“马頭牆” 建築設計, 為造就出屬於故人中意顯貴之居, 讓故人續寫生前的榮光, 享有永恆的風光。

Magnificent Columbarium for Distinctive Eminence

This is an awe-inspiring columbarium that invokes the fond remembrance of your loved ones. Elegant and classy, it sets in motion a feel-good atmosphere to seek the divine blessings for your loved ones in a charming setting inspired by nature.
The vibrant water waves are further harmonized with blue sky and white clouds. Outside the columbarium, there are the distinctive horse-head gable designs to tell the proud stories of the departed, which are destined for eternity.

永久信托管理 | 精心維護 管理服務現代化

富貴集團的永久信托管理基金將確保山莊長期維修, 意即在富貴山莊購買福地, 只需一次過繳付這永久管理費。 由此永久信托基金獲取的利息、 將用作山莊的維修費用, 包括修路, 花草修剪及24小時保安服務等等。

Modern Facilities under Permanent Management Trust

For added peace of mind, Nirvana Asia Group is maintained under a Permanent Management Trust perpetually. It only requires a one-off maintenance fee upon the purchase of any packages. The interest returns that we generate through the Permanent Management Trust will be used for the maintenance of the roads, landscaping and the 24 hour  security service.


富貴集團為亞洲最大的綜合殯葬企業, 業務遍布亞洲各地, 包括馬來西亞、 新加坡、 泰國、 印尼、 中國及越南。 從1990年創立至今, 榮獲無數獎項, 高素質的產品與專業的服務一再獲得國際肯定。 富貴集團堅持為客戶提供最專業, 細心和周全的一站式殯葬服務, 讓逝者安息, 生者安心。

Nirvana, Asia's Largest Integrated Bereavement Care Provider

Nirvana, Asia's largest integrated bereavement care provider, has been providing services to Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, China and Vietnam since its founding in 1990. A winner of numerous international awards for its world class products and services. It is the definitive provider of professional, detailed and one-stop bereavement care services, giving both the deceased and the living the peace of mind they deserve
  • 2015
    • 《 金融亞洲》 " 2015年亞洲最佳管理公司"
    • 評選“香港最佳小型企業” 第一名
    • Ranked NO. 1  Best Small-Cap Company in Hong Kong in Asia's Best Managed Company Poll 2015 by Finance Asia
    • 香港《 資本壹週》 傑出上市企業大獎2015
    • The Excellence of Listed Enterprise Awards 2015 by Capital weekly Hong Kong
  • 2013
    • 亞太區殯葬業大獎
      • 市場營銷策略大獎
      • 企業社會責任大獎
    • Asian Funeral Exhibition (AFE Awards) 
      • Best Marketing Strategy Award
      • Best Corporate Social Responsibility Award
  • 2012
    • 亞洲殯葬博覽及會議
      • 亞洲傑出殯葬服務企業品牌大獎
      • 亞洲傑出跨國企業發展大獎
    • Asian Funeral Exhibition(  AFE Awards) 
      • Asia Outstanding Brand in Funeral Services industry
      • Asia Outstanding Award in Multi National Expansion

Wednesday, March 1, 2017











如有任何疑问,欢迎随时致电 : May Lee 019-2106223 / 016-3118262