- 领取死亡下葬与下葬证书。
- 如果死因是他杀或自杀,法医将为死者解剖,寻找死因。解剖后,解剖报告将寄到警局,以便开发下葬证书。
- 协助认领遗体并运送回丧府或我们的富贵纪念馆。
- 在让家属瞻仰遗容之前,我们将为死者作防腐工作、清洁尸身、穿上寿衣及化妆。
- 让死者进棺,然后准备殡葬追悼礼仪。
- 如果殡葬追悼礼仪在死者家里进行,我们将提供大棚、电风扇、灯、桌子、桌布及椅子。
- 我们也提供死者相片放大服务。
- 用鲜花装饰死者遗照的相框。.
- 代主家拨电话通知亲友。
- 架设庄严灵位以便进行宗教祈祷仪式,为死者准备追思屏风(Memory Lane Ancestry Rack)。
- 提供帛金簿与帛金箱。
- 提供路向指示牌与灯笼。
- 提供专业服务人员。
- 提供两晚坐夜服务人员(6pm-2am,每晚1位工作人员)。
- 富贵殡仪套装提供3天2夜的水果与素食餐点。
- 富贵殡仪套装的服务包括提供女婿铭旗、麻衣孝服、糖果红包、饮品,以及花生。
- 提供专业音乐队、追思相册,以及封棺服务。
- "富贵荣华"/"富贵博爱"的服务,包括使用一辆价值百万令吉的马赛地六门豪华礼车,负责运载孝子、孝女,一辆价值百万元的马赛地豪华灵车,负责运载棺木,以及一辆豪华冷气巴士运载客人。"富贵吉祥"、"富贵恩典"、"富贵添寿"与"富贵祥和"的服务则包括提供一辆进口高贵灵车,以及一辆豪华冷气巴士。
- 同时,我们也为购买事前规划套装的客户提供撰写遗嘱的服务。
- When someone or loved ones in the family passed away, the first that we will assist in is to register the death of the deceased by lodging a police report at any of the nearest district police station. If the Police certifies the causes of death without doubt (e.g. Illness, road accidents, old illness caused by age factor, accidents at workplace, etc.) then a Burial Permit will issued by the police station.
- Then, we will proceed to the National Registration Department along with the police report to inform & register the death. Once the death of the deceased has been registered, the NRD will issue the Death Certificate & it will be obtain by our staff.
- If the cause of death is either caused by murder or suicide, a post-mortem will be conducted by the hospital in order to find out the actual cause of death. Once the post-mortem is out, a copy of the post-mortem report will be send to the police for certification before a Burial Permit is issued.
- Once the Death Certificate & Burial Permit have been issued, we will assist in claiming the deceased remains from the hospital & provide conveyance of the remains to the deceased's home (if the funeral ceremony would to be held at) or to our Nirvana Memorial Center's parlours.
- Arterial embalming, cleansing of the body, dressing with the longevity costumes & make-up service process will be conducted on the deceased's body before it is ready for the family members to view.
- After the following above process is done, the deceased body will be placed into the chosen casket selected & prepare for the funeral procession ceremony.
- Our company will provide setting up of canopies that are equipped with hanging fans, lights, tables, table clothes & plastic chairs IF the funeral procession ceremony is to be held at the deceased's home.
- We will also provide photograph enlargement service for the deceased. This service offered saves our clients from the inconveniences in this time of need.
- Our professional florists will prepare a professionally handcrafted decorated fresh flower photo frame for the deceased photograph.
- By just providing us the contact numbers of friends & relatives, our front desk operators will notify them by making phone calls to each of them in the list given to us.
- We will set up a grand majestic altar for prayer services. Besides this, a Memory Lane Ancestry Rack will also be prepared for the deceased.
- Condolence book & box will be provided for the funeral procession ceremony of the deceased.
- Lanterns will be set up for the funeral ceremony & IF the funeral procession ceremony would to be held at the deceased's home, then road signs will be provided for the purpose.
- A professional service team consists of our NV Care staff will also be provided by us to deliver service to the deceased family during the funeral procession ceremony.
- We included a 2 nights maintenance worker service (6pm to 2am, 1 worker per night) for the funeral procession ceremony.
- NV Care FSP packages includes a 3 days 2 nights offerings to the deceased, which consists of fruits & vegetarian.
- Son-in-law flag, mourning uniform, angpow with sweets, drinking water, and peanuts are included in each of the FSP.
- We also include a professional music band, memory photo album & the sealing of casket service for the deceased's funeral ceremony
- NV Golden/ NV Love* FSP includes an imported Mercedes Benz hearse, a unit of imported 6-door Mercedes Benz limousine & a unit of 44-seats air-conditioned bus for the funeral procession day. NV Supreme includes an imported Mercedes Benz hearse & a unit of 44-seats air-conditioned bus for the funeral procession day. As for NV Deluxe/ NV Grace* & NV Value/ NV Peace*, an imported Toyota Estima hearse & a unit of 44-seats air-conditioned bus will be provided for the funeral procession day.
- An optional will-writing service by BHLB Trustee is available for our clients (applicable for Pre-need/ Pre-arrangement FSP)